An Overview of Alabama State Business Income Tax Extension Forms
- Updated Feb 27, 2021 - 8.00 AM by Admin, ExpressExtensionTable of Contents
Does Alabama support tax extension for business tax returns?
Yes. The state of Alabama supports the automatic extension of time to file business income tax returns with the state.
What Form does the state of Alabama require to apply for an extension?
There is no state-specific form to request an extension, as the state of Alabama automatically provides the extension for up to 6 months for businesses to file an income tax return with the state.
How do I pay my balance due to the state of Alabama with my extension?
You can choose to pay your balance due along with your return by using any one of the following options:
For automatic extension payments that are $750 or more, the payment must be made electronically.
- ACH Debit - Taxpayers who have an account with the Alabama Department of Revenue may register and make e-payments using My Alabama Taxes.
- ACH Credit - Taxpayers making e-payments via ACH Credit must be pre-approved by ADOR. To register, complete, and submit Form EFT:001 entitled EFT Authorization Agreement Form.
- Pay Online - Alabama Interactive -
- Credit Card - Taxpayer Assistance Group: (TAG) 334-353-8096 If the taxpayer would like to make a payment by credit card, please contact the Taxpayer Assistance Group to pay your BPT tax.
- Other Credit Card Payments - You may be able to use your credit card to pay your tax liability with Official Payments Corporation, or Value Payment Systems. You may choose to use your Discover/Novus, MasterCard, Visa , American Express card. Value Payment Systems does not accept American Express but has a program called BillMeLater. There is a convenience fee for these services that is paid to Official Payments Corporation or Value Payment Systems. This convenience fee is determined by each individual provider and may vary.
Official Payments Corporation (Discover/Novus, MasterCard, Visa , American Express)
ValuePaymentSystems (Bill Me Later, Discover/Novus, MasterCard or, Visa)
When is the deadline to file a business tax return with Alabama?
LLC and Partnership
- Businesses in Alabama have to file Form BPT-V by the 15th day of the 3rd month following the end of the accounting period.
- Businesses in Alabama (operating as S Corporation) have to file their Form BPT-V by the 15th day of the 3rd month following the end of the accounting period.
- Businesses in Alabama (operating as C Corporation) have to file their Form BPT-V by the 15th day of the 4th month following the end of the accounting period.
Where to mail payment Form BPT-V?
Mail the check with the payment voucher to the following address:

Business Privilege Tax Section,
P.O. Box 327320,
Montgomery, AL 36132-7320.